Month: July 2019

  • Borges’s “The Witness”: Memory’s Preservation

    Borges’s “The Witness”: Memory’s Preservation

    “Events far-reaching enough to people all space, whose end is nonetheless tolled when one man dies, may cause us wonder. But something, or an infinite number of things, dies in every death, unless the universe is possessed of a memory, as the theosophists have supposed” (Jorge Borges, The Witness). What is memory? Malleable, imperfect memory,…

  • Pilgrim at Tinker Creek: The Art of Being Present

    Pilgrim at Tinker Creek: The Art of Being Present

    “This is it, I think, this is it, right now, the present, this empty gas station, here, this western wind, this tang of coffee on the tongue, and I am patting this puppy, I am watching the mountain. And the second I verbalize this awareness in my brain, I cease to see the mountain or…

  • The Search for Self-hood in “The Age of Anxiety”

    The Search for Self-hood in “The Age of Anxiety”

    “My deuce, my double, my dear image. . . does your self like mine/ Taste of untruth?” -Quant, The Age of Anxiety Throughout his work, The Age of Anxiety, Auden explores the trials of modern life which are responsible for creating a sense of unease in his age. One of the major causes of anxiety…